Meet Kelly!

Through her best-selling fashion course, Kelly inspires a grounded, tangible, and self-affirming sense of “Wow! I can look amazing in clothes!” for thousands of women.

She proves by understanding the secret formulas of fashion, you can move away from the mindset of “my body is the problem” or “good enough is okay”, into “I love getting dressed everyday” and "I look amaze-balls", allowing every women to bypass self-doubt and create a wardrobe they love. Read Kelly's Story

The proof is in the resultsTestimonials & Reviews

Over 4,000 women in all shapes, sizes, ages, budgets, and styles have taken Adore Your Wardrobe and loved the results.

Check out what they are saying and see their before and afters.

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Ready to stop fashion frustration?

Pick a collection below to get informative, actionable fashion-advice that you can implement today.

Nothing to wear?

Feel like you have a closet full of clothes with nothing to wear? These lessons will help you feel confident in your clothes.

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What should I buy?

No more bad purchases or endless shopping! Get laser focused about only buying clothes you love and will wear.

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Am I making fashion mistakes?

Never again wonder, “Is this right?” with these lessons on the fashion dos and don’ts.

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What students
are saying

“After I retired from wearing suits for over 30 years, I felt I had too many clothes and no outfits. I was very frustrated and it took way too long to get dressed. Now, I only buy and keep items that work for my body shape, that fit and work with my personal style. I am much more confident heading out the door, whether it is casual gatherings, vacation or a big event. The value of Adore Your Wardrobe far outweighs the cost and it works!” – Debbie

“I cannot believe the change…before and after pictures don’t lie! The gratitude I have for Adore Your Wardrobe is an understatement! There is nothing wrong with me, it’s the clothes. I can look in the mirror now without tears and sadness and see the great outfits that I am wearing. I’ve learned to give my body balance and proportion by applying the concepts learned in Adore Your Wardrobe. The acceptance to love my body and the confidence I’ve gained allows me to shine now in my clothes!” – Carol

“I was tired of going into my full, full closet and feeling like I had nothing to wear. I just felt fat in all my clothes and was wearing long tunics and baggy tops thinking this camouflaged my tummy. My big win from Adore Your Wardrobe is I feel more confident wearing clothes that fit well, and I know they look good on ME!” – Carrie

“Adore your Wardrobe has been the best thing I ever did for myself. Besides all of the wonderful lessons, videos, and worksheets you receive during the course, having a group of women to guide you through, give you positive comments and offer suggestions on putting outfits together better was wonderful!” – Pam

“I signed up for Adore Your Wardrobe because I was fed up with feeling self-conscious about my clothes and knowing that I was never “put together” correctly. I was also frustrated when I went shopping for clothes because I did not know what suited me. Adore Your Wardrobe has given me the confidence to get dressed in the mornings. I can step out of my home feeling more put together than I’ve ever done in my life before! I’m happy knowing that what I am wearing suits my shape, and I accept myself for who I am and embrace my body shape!” – Cynthia⁣

“Adore Your Wardrobe has been life changing in ways I could never imagine. I’ve learned so much about dressing to flatter my body instead of hiding it, giving it both balance and style. The math and science of fashion are valuable tools that truly work. I’ve gained confidence, have a more defined sense of style, and it’s easier to plan outfits and get dressed each day. A wonderful bonus has been to walk this journey alongside a community of amazing, supportive women. I’m grateful to Kelly and her team for the thoughtful encouragement along the way!” – Laurie

“When I started Adore Your Wardrobe I felt frumpy. I didn’t have a style I could call my own. I copied what looked good on other women, but it never really looked right on me. I was frustrated and didn’t know how to fix it. I weigh exactly the same in both pictures. I look thinner in the ‘after’ picture because I dressed in a way that flatters my shape using the formulas Kelly teaches. I highly recommend AYW to gain confidence, look great in your clothes that you love, and both fit and flatter your unique body! Take the leap and invest in yourself. You will be so glad you did!” – Sue

“Over lockdown I found AYW and decided to take the Signature Course to learn more. Before AYW my wardrobe was full to bursting, yet every time I wanted to look particularly nice I felt that I had nothing to wear. I learned that planning ahead is key. Not just setting an outfit out and hoping for the best but taking the time beforehand to try it on, take a selfie, and evaluate. It takes time but the effort is worth it as it gives me more confidence as I walk out the door.” – Diane⁣

“Before Adore Your Wardrobe, getting dressed and looking nice was only something I attempted on occasion. Adore Your Wardrobe made me realize how much my confidence grew by wearing clothes that fit me properly, no matter the size. My self-esteem has skyrocketed!” – Autumn

“AYW really works! For years I was hiding my hips and butt with oversized, baggy tops, and sweaters that were just adding tons of visual weight. I can’t believe how phobic I was before trying to hide myself from the world in my clothes. Now, I have the confidence to walk out of my house with my hips showing! The course is not only educational, but AYW has been a true experience in transformation. It has trickled into other areas of my life too. Adore Your Wardrobe inspired me to get my health in order. I feel better and look better than I have in years. Understanding my body shape and how to dress it is something I will continue to do the rest of my life!” – Helen